Grid Magick for the Solstices and Equinoxes

This protocol is for those of you that would like to work with the ley lines and nodes now re-awakening on Earth. These areas need our assistance at this time in order to bring harmony to the planet. To learn more about this subject, watch this YouTube playlist: https://www.youtu

We work on the land to assist Earth energies at the time of the Solstices and Equinoxes. The Earth and the “Otherworld” need our help and energies, just as we need their help and energies. We are assisting with Earth's birth as an ascended planet, as she is assisting us with our own ascension. In order to do this, our focus must be increasing the vibration of the land and expanding the ley lines and re-activating dormant nodes. In the past these were referred to as spirit paths and pulse points. We work on the surface world, while at the same time, unseen beings are working the inner world of the planet. The below protocol is conducted on the day BEFORE a solstice or equinox. The ley lines are all harmonized at these times of the year. So, if we are all working the lines on that day, the energies we send out are global, not just assisting in your local area.

This act was something we all did in the past until religions separated us into groups and separated us from Earth. Just as we must clear ourselves of negativity, so does the Earth. This is where we step in. Although we are more powerful in groups, it can certainly be done alone. You are being presented an opportunity to assist humanity and the planet in order to take a great leap in consciousness for all.

The goal, eventually, is to gather in groups. The people doing this work do not have to be of the same belief systems or religions. Only a desire to assist humanity and the planet. The goal is also to have equal amounts of feminine and masculine energies present. Again, you can do this work alone if you don't yet have a network of people around you. You can visit this website to see if there are groups in your area or for any nodes that are close to you that you may want to work on:

Here is the Equinox/Solstice Ritual protocol:

  • This ritual is to be done the day BEFORE a Solstice or Equinox. Please confirm the dates that correspond to your time zone and hemisphere. Again, It’s the day BEFORE the actual Solstice or Equinox. The Solstices are in June and December, the Equinoxes are in March and September.

  • At this time, there is a 12-hour window when the lines are harmonized at their peak. These windows will continue to expand until, at a future time, all the lines will be harmonized 24/7.

  • The best times to go out on the land is Dawn, Noon, or Sunset (referred to as "in-between" times). You will be spending at least 30 minutes for the ritual.

  • If you know of a sacred site in your area, these would be the best spots. We are re-awakening these areas and "firing" them up. Most very old churches are built on top of energy nodes. Indigenous sacred sites will also be energy nodes. If there are places you are drawn to or visit often, work those areas. Use your intuition while out walking the land, it will lead you to where you need to be. You cannot mess up, so don't stress out and wonder if you are at the correct spot. Just being out on the land at these times is most important. Sometimes it’s your own backyard!

  • It is best to fast before the ritual, drinking water only. This is not required, but is best to help process energy. Digestion pulls on your energy body more than anything!

  • It is best to have your bare feet to help you ground during the ritual.

  • It is best to wear natural fiber clothing (linen being the highest vibration), but is not necessary.

  • If you are gathering in a group, you may want to be or have a facilitator to instruct the intent of each step.


  • Introduce yourself to the guardians and elementals of the area. Relay to them what is about to take place and ask for their permission. Be open to any intuitive nudges. They are also assisting in the process and will be happy grant you permission. Remember, humans must earn their trust, as we lost our relationship with them from past deeds. Make offerings to the beings of the area. Traditional offerings are cream, honey, fruit, or handmade items made of natural materials.

  • If you are in a group, gather in a circle. I personally open the circle by walking counter clockwise 3 times, as this opens you to the inner realms. Afterwards, you can stand or sit.

  • Quiet yourself and be conscious of your breathing. If  you are in a group, try to synchronize your breathing. If any animals, winds, other people, etc. appear, they are assisting in some way. Accept this and continue.

  • The first 10-15 minutes, ask for any messages to come in about any need work that needs to be done on the node, energy line, or land. Just still your mind and allow any information to come in. That is all we are doing in the first segment of this ceremony. Make any mental notes or write them down if you brought a notebook and writing tool. If you are in a group, ask others if they received any messages. Often, several people have received similar messages. You may receive messages of burying a crystal, singing, chanting, playing music, etc. Any requests will be fulfilled later in the ceremony. If nothing came though, that's okay. Just go to the next step.

  • The next 10-15 you or your group will send thoughts into the energetic grid surrounding Earth, picturing and removing any distortions. If any emotions come up, feel, and process them. If any distracting thoughts come up, just let them pass through you and get back to being in a state of cleaning up any distortions and chaos detected. This is called "feeding" the grid. The grid contains the ley lines, nodes, and chakras of the planet. We are building a new grid and "firing" it up for all to access, if they so desire. We are also trying to minimize any catastrophes that accompany the changes of the ages.

  • The final step is two-fold. The first part is to fulfill any of the requests that were made during the first segment. Singing, dancing, light language, music, etc. If a crystal or other artifact was requested and you are in a group, ask for a volunteer that would like to come back to the site to fulfill that request (this can be done any time, not the same day). The second part is a time to request any assistance with personal wishes, healing, or prayers for others. The time for this segment if open. Spend as much time as needed.

  • When you are done with the ceremony, slowly back out of the circle. We will leave these nodes open, as the inner realms will merge with the surface world through these nodes. Give thanks to the guardians and elementals of the land and say goodbye to them.

  • You are now done.

These areas should be well tended to. I visit my node as much as I can. I pick up any trash and talk to beings watching over the land. You can really bond with an area and eventually be honored to become its caretaker.

Thank you so much for choosing to participate in this endeavor! I am not sure if you know how important it is or how much it is appreciated. We are being supported more than we know.

