Shadow Work/Extraction Session


Shadow Work/Extraction Session


Doing shadow work is the greatest form of self love there is. We all have hidden, unconscious aspects of ourselves “trapped” in the Underworld. We must recognize these aspects of ourselves in order to release us from suffering and free us from the wheel of reincarnation. We are at a time in human evolution that we can no longer hide or deny our shadow.

When you integrate your shadow and learn from it, you become a more compassionate, aware, and fully developed human. Being aware of the hidden and suppressed parts of yourself helps you evolve and grow, which is the goal of incarnation and the Universe.

We must take responsibility and ownership for our lives and what we create. Our unconscious shadow will dictate our lives and we will blame it on the outside world. Our unconscious shadow plays out in order for it to be seen. Often what we don’t like about others is an aspect of ourselves we deny we have.

This session will help you identify, understand, and integrate your shadow aspects. It will be done by counseling, divination, and by Deborah performing the language from the Otherworld. After the session, you will be sent a video to perform incubation in order to process the work done during the session.

Here is what this session contains-

  • You and Deborah will have a counseling session as the process of shadow work begins.

  • Deborah will use divination to bring forth messages from your shadow.

  • Deborah will speak and hand sign the Otherworld language to you in order to give your body and your unconscious needed instructions in regards to any work that needs to be done. This will extract and stir up hidden aspects of yourself to come to the surface for integration. Deborah is able to speak, sign, and write this language of the Otherworld. She speaks this language when visiting the other realms. This language helps bring forth our emotional and mental traumas in order for it to be extracted, recognized. Our emotional, mental, and energetic bodies need to be healed and integrated in order to access a higher reality.

  • After your session, you will be sent a link to a video on how to practice incubation. Incubation allows the instructions done through the Otherworld language to flow through your body and assist in the process.

    This is a VERY powerful ritual. Be prepared to have things in your life shift and change.

These sessions are done via Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp Video, as Deborah was instructed that the Otherworld language must be witnessed. Please allow time after the session to perform the incubation. It is advised not to have caffeine or a heavy meal just before your session. Sessions are approximately 1 1/2 hours long.

Deborah is available for sessions 7 days a week from 10:30am-7:00pm Pacific.

Please have a notebook and pen handy to write down your messages!

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